Friday, August 1, 2014

[Video] How to Creat Lost Door Server

how to create a server
 using lost door v9.0 Pro version .

 1: CHose the Server Name or get the default User as a server name

 2:  The ports you will use , it should be forwarded in your router

 3: The delay of connection ( The server will try to connect after the delay you chose)

 4: Add press add to add multiple IPS

 5: Check the Run on startup option for a daily startup

 6: Generate the host folder's Name

 7: Use Active X startup methode ( Optional)

 8:  Chose the instalation path of the server , Appdata is the best direction for lost door's server

 9: Sys Message are fake alert to appear when the server been opned (optional) advanced

 10: Windows Firewall add the server to exception & or desable the firewall

 11:Use one of the spread Methodes & file to spread Name : Usb Spread , Msn Spread or .Rar spread

 12 : Advanced agfressive options : Protect Process make the computer go BSOD(Blue secreen of death) if you try to close the server
                                    Presistent server : Reopen when you try to close it
                                    Diseable Regedit : Try to diseable the registre edit
                                    Diseable Taskman : Try to diseable the taskmanager
                                    Set Hidden: Set the server hidden
                                    Melt After run

13: try to inject into explorer

14: Active the Offline keylogging
15: Chose erver icon
16: Build Server
17: Load or save profiles

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